Home » The Coffee Industry’s Evolution: New Brands, Sustainable Practices, and Emerging Trends

The Coffee Industry’s Evolution: New Brands, Sustainable Practices, and Emerging Trends

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The coffee industry is undergoing significant changes. While industry giants like Starbucks, Lavazza, and Nespresso continue to lead the market, according to Evidnt’s sales data, new and innovative brands are steadily gaining ground. These brands offer international flavors and promote sustainable practices, reshaping the coffee industry landscape.

International Flavors and Sustainability

An example of this shift is the rise of organic coffee from Vietnam. The country, once known primarily for robusta coffee, is now becoming a significant player in the organic coffee market. But the story isn’t just about Vietnam; it’s about how the industry is embracing new flavors and sustainability.

Copper Cow and Kahawa, featured on Shark Tank, are two brands leading this trend. They are capturing the market with their unique offerings and commitment to sustainability.

Emerging Trends: Mushroom Coffee and More

Moreover, new coffee trends are making their way into the mainstream. Mushroom coffee, for instance, is an emerging trend grabbing consumers’ attention. Brands like Wild Barn, which blends coffee with Cacao and Goji berries, are pioneering this trend.

Quokka offers another innovative product – coffee with reduced sugar content. And Jibby Coffee is making waves with its CBD-infused cold brew.

How Can Retailers Take Advantage?

So, what does this mean for retailers? These changes in the coffee industry present several opportunities:

  1. Diversify Your Coffee Selection: Consider stocking new and innovative brands like Copper Cow, Kahawa, Wild Barn, Quokka, and Jibby Coffee. Offering a broader range of flavors and types of coffee can attract more customers.
  2. Promote Sustainable Brands: Consumers are increasingly valuing sustainability. Highlighting brands that prioritize sustainable practices can help you connect with these consumers.
  3. Stay Ahead of Trends: Keep an eye on emerging trends like mushroom coffee and low-sugar or CBD-infused options. Being among the first to offer these products can set your store apart.


The coffee industry is changing, with new international flavors, sustainable practices, and innovative trends emerging. Retailers can take advantage of these changes by diversifying their coffee selections, promoting sustainable brands, and staying ahead of trends. Offering a wider range of coffee options and embracing sustainability can help retailers attract more customers and stay competitive.

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