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Growing Demand for Premium Sparkling Waters

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Natural sparkling water brand Aura Bora is expanding its reach beyond natural channels to meet the rising demand for botanical-infused drinks.

Natural sparkling water brand Aura Bora is making waves in the beverage industry with its premium, culinary-inspired sparkling beverages. The demand for botanical-infused drinks is on the rise, and Aura Bora is taking advantage of this trend by offering cocktail-inspired blends such as grapefruit and elderflower.

Launched in 2019, Aura Bora has grown its brand around the increased demand for premium sparkling waters. In a highly competitive market, it’s crucial to differentiate your store from big national brands, European imports, and private labels. Aura Bora accomplishes this by focusing on botanical flavors and providing a premium drinking experience.

To create a premium drinking experience, Aura Bora incorporates high-end ingredients commonly found in fine dining or beauty products into their sparkling waters. By offering unique flavors that customers may associate with their last excellent restaurant experience or personal care routines, you can capture their attention and provide a memorable experience.

As the demand for sparkling water continues to grow, Aura Bora has expanded beyond the natural channel and now offers multipacks. Independent retailers can follow their lead by offering convenient multi-pack options to build brand loyalty and expose more households to their products. While single-serve bottles are still essential for on-the-go customers, multipacks are an excellent way to establish your brand as a premium sparkling water option.

Aura Bora now sells a six-pack of their top flavors at major retailers such as Publix and Wegman’s. By providing multipack options, you can enhance brand recognition and create a long-lasting relationship with your customers. The goal should be to make multipacks your marquee product and offer them in both natural and conventional stores, just like other successful sparkling water brands.

In addition to their core flavors, Aura Bora also releases limited-time offerings (LTO) every month through their website. This approach allows the brand to test new flavors and gain insights into consumer preferences. As an independent retailer, you can take inspiration from this strategy by introducing LTOs in your store. By allowing your customers to participate in the selection process, you can make them feel heard and cultivate a loyal fan base.

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