Home » Top Ten Food Trends in 2023: A Retailer’s Guide

Top Ten Food Trends in 2023: A Retailer’s Guide

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The food industry is constantly evolving, with new trends emerging each year. A recent report from Kantar outlined the top ten food trends to watch in 2023. Retailers can use these trends to influence product selection, marketing campaigns, and customer engagement strategies.

  1. Plant-Based Foods: More consumers opt for plant-based alternatives due to environmental, health, and ethical reasons. Consider adding more plant-based options to your shelves, whether it’s plant-based meats, dairy substitutes, or ready-made meals.
  2. Sustainability: Consumers are increasingly concerned about the environment and are gravitating toward brands that prioritize sustainability. Highlighting products with sustainable packaging or ethical sourcing can help attract these consumers.
  3. Functional Foods: Foods that offer additional health benefits are gaining popularity. Think about stocking items enriched with vitamins, probiotics, or ingredients known for their health benefits like turmeric, ginger, and matcha.
  4. Ethnic Flavors: People are becoming more adventurous with their food choices. Incorporating international and ethnic flavors into your product range can cater to this demand.
  5. Hard Seltzers: The hard seltzer trend is showing no signs of slowing down. If your store sells alcohol, ensure you have a variety of hard seltzer options available.
  6. Snacking Evolution: Consumers are moving away from traditional snack foods in favor of healthier alternatives. Stock your shelves with options like protein bars, kale chips, and roasted chickpeas.
  7. Breakfast All Day: With flexible working hours becoming more common, consumers enjoy breakfast foods at any time. This opens up opportunities for retailers to promote breakfast items throughout the day.
  8. Foods for Gut Health: Gut health is a growing concern for many consumers. Probiotic foods and beverages, fermented products, and foods high in fiber can meet this demand.
  9. Reduced Sugar: In response to rising health concerns, many consumers are reducing their sugar intake. Consider offering sugar-free or reduced-sugar versions of popular products.
  10. Virtual Kitchens: As more consumers use food delivery apps, virtual kitchens are becoming more prevalent. Retailers could consider partnering with these kitchens to provide fresh, ready-to-eat meals to customers.

All things considered, staying aware of emerging trends and adjusting product offerings accordingly can give retailers a competitive edge. By providing what consumers are seeking, you can improve customer satisfaction, increase sales, and ensure your store stays relevant in a rapidly changing market.


The top ten food trends for 2023 include plant-based foods, sustainability, functional foods, ethnic flavors, hard seltzers, healthy snacks, all-day breakfast, gut-health foods, reduced sugar, and virtual kitchens. Retailers can leverage these trends to influence product selection, marketing campaigns, and customer engagement strategies.

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