Home ยป Understanding Generational Food Trends: Lessons for Independent Retailers

Understanding Generational Food Trends: Lessons for Independent Retailers

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Food preferences change with generations, and small retailers can learn from these shifts. Datassential’s report highlights that spices, sauces, and flavors drive trend awareness. Gen Z leads in trying new trends, while boomers catch up in food trend awareness. Millennials may not stick to trends. Knowing your customer’s generation is crucial for success.

Food trends can change a lot depending on the generation, and this is an important lesson for small and independent retailers. The way people like to eat can vary greatly between different age groups. As reported by SmartBreif, who look at how people’s food preferences have changed over time, using a big database of consumer opinions.

Here’s what they found:

1. Spices and Sauces Matter: Flavors like spices and sauces play a big role in helping people try new foods. Things like kewpie mayo, yuzu, and adobo are becoming popular, and these should be the first things that food companies try if they want to experiment with new food ideas. These flavors help people get used to new types of food from around the world. People of all ages are becoming more aware of these flavors.

2. Gen Z Leads in Trying Trends: Generation Z, born between 1997 and 2010, is really good at trying new foods. They know about many new food trends even before they become really popular. Food companies want to catch the attention of this group by making unique and different flavors.

3. Boomers are Important: People born from 1943 to 1964, known as baby boomers, are catching up with younger generations in knowing about new food trends. Boomers are using their retirement time and money to enjoy good food. They like flavors from southern, eastern European, and Jewish cuisines. So, companies can try new and exciting flavors for this group.

4. Millennials Might Change Their Minds: Millennials, born between 1982 and 1996, are known as the “foodie generation.” They know about new food trends, but they don’t always stick to them. Even if they try new foods, they might not keep eating them. So, it might not be the best idea for food companies to only focus on them.

5. Gen Xers Matter Too: Generation X, born from 1965 to 1981, takes some time to know about new food trends. But when they do, they really like them. They might even like them more than millennials. So, these folks are important for trends that are becoming really popular.

6. Knowing Your Customer is Key: It’s really important for retailers to know who their customers are. Different generations like different foods, and this can change how you should sell your products. With social media and food shows, people of all ages are more aware of trends. So, understanding what different age groups like can help make your store successful.

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