Home » More Brands are Focusing on the Gluten-Free Market

More Brands are Focusing on the Gluten-Free Market

gluten-free snack


The gluten-free market is growing rapidly, and brands like Hippeas and Ms. P’s Gluten Free are leading the way with their healthier snack alternatives. Small business owners and independent retailers can capitalize on this trend by staying informed, expanding their product range, and effectively marketing gluten-free options. By catering to health-conscious consumers, businesses can boost sales and tap into the potential of this market.

Gluten-Free: A new, permanent element of the snack industry

In recent years, the demand for gluten-free products has been skyrocketing. Whether it’s due to dietary restrictions, health concerns, or a desire for healthier options, consumers are actively seeking gluten-free alternatives. As a small business owner or independent retailer, it’s crucial to keep up with this trend and cater to the growing gluten-free market. We already covered the allergy-friendly graham crackers from Partake Foods, but we want to take a deeper dive into other brands with gluten-free products.

One brand that has successfully tapped into this market is Hippeas, known for its chickpea-based snacks. According to Julia Hecht, the Chief Marketing Officer of Hippeas, the company “focuses on reinterpreting popular snacks like puffs and tortilla chips in a better-for-you framework.” By using alternative ingredients such as chickpeas, they offer products that are not only healthier but also align with consumers’ preferences for gluten-free options.

Another notable player in the gluten-free space is Ms. P’s Gluten Free, a Chicago-based granola brand. Founder and CEO Lisa Marsh emphasizes the importance of providing delicious snack alternatives for consumers who can’t eat conventional snacks due to health reasons. Ms. P’s Gluten Free has been growing steadily, expanding into Whole Foods stores and Mariano’s locations.

According to Marsh, “Those of us who are living the gluten-free lifestyle many times are not because we want to; it’s because it’s a must for our health.” She also adds, “We’re just letting people know right up front, that if you have issues, this is the product for you. It’s about eating healthier, eating cleaner, moving more and living longer. And we are going to be singing that from the rooftops!”

So, how can you capitalize on this market as a small business owner or independent retailer?

Here are a few key takeaways:

  1. Stay informed: Keep up with the latest products and consumer preferences in the gluten-free market. Monitor industry news and research to understand the demand and identify emerging opportunities.
  2. Expand your product range: Consider adding more gluten-free snacks to your inventory. Explore options like chickpea-based puffs, granola bars, or tortilla chips.
  3. Clear labeling: Make sure your gluten-free products are clearly labeled and prominently displayed in their own aisle or section. This will help consumers easily identify and choose the products that fit their dietary needs.

In conclusion, the gluten-free market is thriving, and more brands are focusing on providing healthier and delicious alternatives. As a small business owner or independent retailer, taking advantage of this trend can be a game-changer for your business. By staying informed, expanding your product range, and effectively marketing your gluten-free offerings, you can tap into this growing market and cater to the needs of health-conscious consumers.

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