Home » Propel Fitness Water’s ‘Make the World Your Gym’ Campaign: A Boost for Grocers

Propel Fitness Water’s ‘Make the World Your Gym’ Campaign: A Boost for Grocers

Propel Fitness Water, a Gatorade brand, has just launched a new campaign featuring renowned actor Michael B. Jordan. Titled “Make the World Your Gym”, the campaign encourages individuals to take advantage of their surroundings and incorporate fitness into their everyday lives.

Propel’s collaboration with Michael B. Jordan demonstrates a significant push into the fitness space. This move aligns with the increasing consumer trend towards health, wellness, and active living. In particular, the campaign’s message emphasizes that exercise doesn’t need to be confined to a gym setting, potentially resonating with a wide audience who are seeking more flexible and accessible ways to stay active.

For grocers, this campaign presents an excellent opportunity. Propel’s commitment to a high-profile marketing campaign can be expected to drive brand awareness and demand for the product. With the brand’s push into the fitness space and collaboration with a popular figure like Michael B. Jordan, grocers can expect increased interest from health-conscious consumers looking to stay hydrated during their workouts.

Independent retailers should consider taking advantage of this marketing push by Propel. Stocking Propel Fitness Water and creating in-store promotions aligned with the campaign could attract consumers drawn by the campaign. Additionally, retailers could leverage the campaign in their local marketing efforts, highlighting Propel Fitness Water as the drink of choice for those embracing the “Make the World Your Gym” ethos.


Propel Fitness Water’s new campaign “Make the World Your Gym” featuring Michael B. Jordan signifies a significant push into the fitness arena. The campaign’s extensive marketing support presents a beneficial opportunity for grocers, potentially driving demand for Propel Fitness Water among health-conscious consumers. Independent retailers can tap into this trend by aligning their in-store promotions and local marketing efforts with the campaign’s message.

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